What Goes Into a Workshop?
Naeco Studio has offered a wide range of workshops in the past (detailed list below). Workshops entail some form of guided artistic expression, prompts, arts-based exercises, or creating related to healing, expression, or community care.
They can be done in group settings, or as 1 on 1 facilitation. They are not geared towards creating masterpieces as they are not art classes, nor is any level of artistic experience required. Instead, artistic modalities are utilized for relevant goals of expression, healing, processing, or coming together.
Naeco Studio will forever offer reduced rates and sliding scale options for under-represented and marginalized demographics, or towards not-profit causes. Get in touch for a specific quote.
Each workshop outline depends on the folks present and the goals involved. Ultimately, Naeco Studio is flexible and works with you to render the offering accessible for given needs.
Past Workshops:
•Introduction to Art as Therapy: Group Session (2019)
Naeco Studio facilitated introductory workshop at Otherwise Studio to introduce elements of art therapy

•Artistic Expression at Home: Two-Week Online Program (2020)
Naeco Studio designed artistic daily prompts which participants received each day for a two-week period. This was a response to a lack of creative and mental health services available during the pandemic.

• Enactus + Lang School of Business + MWMC (2020)
‘Movember’ Men’s Mental Health Stressbuster: Sustainable Paint Night, conducted research, organized, and led virtual workshop

•Central Student Association, UoG, Mental Health Monday (2020)
Naeco Studio led virtual workshop for undergraduate students to try artistic methods of honouring their mental health through circumstances of the pandemic

•“Write Your Heart Out” Take-Home Writing-Healing (2020)
Naeco Studio designed portable kits of writing exercises for participants to complete from home to facilitate mindfulness & going inwards

•“Activism By Artists”, free workshop to Guelph community members (2020)
Naeco Studio conducted one hour of artistic exercises with the group and two hours of productive discussion relating to artists offering their skills in a time of social need. Space was dedicated to sharing ideas on how to sustain advocacy efforts

•“No Resolutions; Reflections”, virtual workshop (2020)
Naeco Studio facilitated a virtual workshop of guided art and writing prompts to focus on self-compassion and reflections on the year previous

•10 Carden “Connecting Circles: Art as Therapy” (2021)
Naeco Studio led a virtual discussion of artistic benefits for wellbeing and introduced exercises for folks to try at home. Space was prioritized for adults and seniors in the Guelph area experiencing isolation

•“Discovering Your Grief” workshop collaboration with Tash Gray (2021)
Naeco Studio collaboratively led a virtual workshop for those experiences grief that needed processing especially in a climate without proper funeral services. Art and text-based exercises were conducted to address various forms of grief

•Maplewoods Muralist Training and Collaboration Workshop (2022)
Naeco Studio, in collaboration with Alexa Collette and Maeve Hind (Outlet Collective), guided a workshop for muralists accepted on our behalf for the Maplewoods Mural Project. Workshop involved integrating various submissions into collaborative pieces, training on digital design software, and generating group expectations as a team. Murals are currently present in the Maplewoods clinic at the University of Guelph, where family, children, adolescent, and individual therapeutic services are held

Community Canvases: Collaborative Art-Making for Community Care (2022)
Naeco Studio, in collaboration with Outlet Collective, orchestrated a workshop as a response to a pre-existing initiative by supplementing a creative touch. The evening involved guided ‘art warmups’ leading to collaborative abstract mark-making on 30+ canvases. These canvases were donated to the Grace Gardens Permanent Supportive Housing Initiative in Guelph, which provided permanent homes and living supports for 30+ folks in the community to alleviate them from the housing crisis and the over-crowded, short-term shelter support alternatives. By inviting community to make mindful, collaborative art for these spaces, it was our hope that individuals would find their new homes to feel less clinical and more warm/welcoming.

Collage Art Hive / Futures of Care: Wellness Retreat Day through ARCH Guelph (2024)
Free retreat for community members relating to health, wellness, and care. Numerous community partners facilitated workshops. Naeco Studio offered a Collage Art Hive! Guided participants through various collage techniques that metaphorically correspond to our day to day lives. Explored themes of trust, expression, community, and wellness; each participant contributed to a community collage and take home finished collages of their own.

Community Collage Art Hive, Guelph School of Art (2024)
Co-facilitated by artist Miranda Nagel, this art hive utilized collage as a material in non-traditional ways; calling participants to be curious about what even counts as collage, as art, and the limitations we incidentally set for ourselves in creative spaces. Open for public registration, this art hive encouraged participants to flexibly lean into their own process, and offered space to share their making afterwards.